lundi 2 décembre 2013

How You Can Use the Clothes in Your Wardrobe to Dress for Success (Part 2)

In the first part of this article we explained how you can use your dressing to make very good impression on hiring manger(s) so as sail successfully through a highly competitive interview and land in a job you are qualified for without being eliminated for some unspoken human reasons. In this second part of the series, we shall discuss how men can use the clothes in their wardrobe to play the power game successfully as they strive to climb the cooperate ladder in a highly competitive work place.
In the first part of this series, I said that the impression you make on people especially on those who are in the position to make decisions that affect your life matters a lot. Here we shall consider how you can use the clothes in your wardrobe to play the power as you climb the cooperate ladder. All things being in equal you work hard and have all the qualities and skills your job requires from you. In addition to these indisputable qualities and qualifications, you must know how to use your wardrobe to play the power game without stepping on anyone's toes.
Every position in any company has some power associated with it. The higher you go up the cooperate ladder, the greater the responsibility and power associated with that position, and more prominent and influential the person in that position is. So in other words when you aspire to a higher position in your place of work you are aspiring for prominence and influence, this means that before you occupy that position you must present yourself as being suitable for that position or office. It is important that you prove your suitability for that office not only through your hard work and cognitive qualities, but also through your non verbal communications such as the way you dress. Let the way you dress portray the confidence, power and influence associated with the position that you are aspiring to occupy. So here are some dressing tips to consider
  1. Let Your Dressing Manifest Your Authority:
Wear traditional dark colored suits (black, navy, charcoal) with lighter colored dress shirts and matching ties to communicate your sense of confidence and authority. Diversify the colors of your dress shirts. Have different shades of red dress shirts to communicate your vibrant spirit and power. Use shades of light purple dress shirts to communicate your sense of dignity and integrity. Wear different shades of mild blue colored dress shirts to reveal your humble spirit rooted in deep knowledge. Don't forget to use white dress shirts to manifest your honesty and transparency. Besides choosing the colors of your dress shirts wisely, have taste for linen shirts. The cool nature and richness of the linen fabric will give a sense of ease to your personality and reveal you as the "man of class" you want people to perceive you to be. Always aim at slim fit linen dress shirts
  1. Use you Dressing to Reveal Your Social and Amicable Personality
Intersperse your dark colored suits with khaki pants that will reveal your "go -getter" spirit and the sense of "I am cool for you". Khaki pants will help to boost your confidence as you gently and quietly play your power card. Khaki pants with fine pastel colored linen dress shirt will give you fresh look all through the day at work and enhances your outgoing spirit
  1. Show Your Humane Nature And Do Not be too Conservative
If the nature of our job permits you to wear casual dresses, take advantage of that to occasionally wear casual dresses that will reveal a different side of you that the dark suits may hide. The casual dresses will reveal your softer and casual side of your nature, so that you don't always appear as a domineering and power hungry person. Wear well cut chino pants that fit the structure of your legs. Preferably go for rusty color. Rusty colored chino-pants will match many different shades of dress shirts or even casual shirts.
  1. Be Like Every other Person
If the dress code in your work place permits, occasionally "slip" into good fitting cut blue denim. This will help you to permeate freely and blend into the rank and file of your colleagues, so that they all see you as one of them especially those in the lower rank or junior staff, in that way you can easily identify with everyone in your company. Avoid baggy and light colored denim. Wear this with good fitting solid colored or patterned tee shirts or with plain slim fit pastel colored shirt. This casual outfit will not go unnoticed by your colleagues.
It is important that you go always for high quality clothes. High quality clothes do not only enhance your look and increases your confidence and give you the classy look you need to build your confidence, they save you money over time. For good and dignified looks, always wear only well fitting clothes avoid anything that is outlandish.
Do not forget to compliment your well fitting clothes with appropriate shoes. Leather shoes help to elevate your classy look so prefer leather shoes to shoes that are not leather, though you can sometimes display your love for fashion with suede shoes. Non-laced up suede shoes will give you the classy look that will not go unnoticed by your colleague.
Wear appropriate accessories; be sure that the color of your belt matches the color of the shoes you wear. Using proper accessories will reveal you as one who is not only cognitively competent but one whose fashion taste is unparallel. In this way you will win the admiration of your colleagues and gradually you win their hearts and support as you make your way through the cooperate ladder.
These are some of the things you need to know so as to use the clothes in your wardrobe in your favor as you play the power game in your place of work.
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