jeudi 5 décembre 2013

Man Earring: a macho look in jewelry fashion

These days, there is a call for more "metrosexuals," or men who are conscious about their looks and clothing, so much that it is actually important for them to be not only presentable, but fashionable as well in civilized society. The television program "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" has revolutionized makeovers for all of us, for it has shown that, yes, it is indeed possible for men to be pleasant to look at without being "girly" or "dandy." Masculine jewelry, such as man earrings, are a big part of this metrosexuality trend.
Men who can boldly wear necklaces, bracelets and earrings to set off their hair or their eyes are men who have achieved the next level of metrosexuality: accessorizing. In the end, a tasteful selection of jewelry helps to make the man. Rings and necklaces, bracelets and cufflinks, all add to the image of the powerful, self-possessed male.
And man earrings are definitely "in"! Next to necklaces, earrings are the most popular men's accessories. Quite a few big-name male stars, young idols especially, are making man earrings a fashion must. Think of Johnny Depp (who started off as a teen rebel heartthrob in the television show "21 Jumpstreet") and David Gallagher (who plays Simon Camden in the TV drama "7th Heaven").
Men's jewelry is not just for clean-cut urbanites -- in fact in the streets, earrings on men are considered symbols of toughness. Indeed, the man earring, in general, speaks boldly of the courage to have one's own sense of fashion, to set one's own trend. Mr. T has his own collection of earrings that make for his tough-guy look, and quite a few hiphop and R&B artists - such as Jay-Z and Usher -- have all but trademarked their own jewelry ensembles.
Man earrings play up sexuality without sacrificing masculinity. Worn either on one earlobe or both, it makes a man look more snazzy and cool. Whether they be diamond, gold, silver, or platinum, earrings have become a necessary part of a man's jewelry arsenal.
Sam Serio is an Internet Marketer, musician and a writer on the subject of jewelry and gemstones. For more information on jewelry and gemstones, we cordially invite you to visit to pick up your FREE copy of “How To Buy Jewelry And Gemstones Without Being Ripped Off.” This concise, informative special report reveals almost everything you ever wanted to know about jewelry and gemstones, but were afraid to ask. Get your FREE report at

My Shopping List: Shoes, Dress, and a Hairdresser

Change is a funny thing. When seasons change, so do people and their way of thinking. For some of us it can be scary and for others a welcomed challenge. A few of us will throw out clothes we have not worn in years. Others will throw away old shoes, handbags, jewelry, hats and belts only to refill their closets with a shopping trip. Shopping is the ultimate change for a shopaholic. However, there are some of us who will shop for the ultimate change... a haircut. Whether it is a two-inch cut or a 10-inch cut, you better be sure to shop for a person who knows exactly what he/she is doing. I never thought that one must also shop for a hairstylist in the same way that we shop for the perfect dress or pair of shoes. After I saw my neighbor's hair, I have changed my thought process.
My neighbor went to her hairdresser to get all of her hair cut off.. Onlookers gasped at the thought of cutting it all off. You could hear sighs of pain from other clients as the clipped hair fell to the floor. The hairstylist cut, snipped and dismissed her from the chair. AAHHHH! I thought to myself. Is she going to shape it up or comb it or something? Immediately I started to think of the scene from the movie, Waiting to Exhale when Angela Bassetts' character was depressed and upset about the breakup of her marriage. She sat in front of the mirror and just started cutting away at her hair. The way she cut it, you would not believe she had a mirror. I saw my neighbor walking towards me and I could not believe she did it. She looked like a depressed, tired old maid. (Translation... Someone who does not have anyone to love and/or is not happy with her life.) Her earrings were small, simple and plain. The dark circles under her eyes complimented by her uneven skin tone made her look like she never owned a mirror. A hairstylist is supposed to make you feel like a new woman. The same way a new dress or pair of shoes makes you feel. She looked horrible. Something in my mind kept saying, "Don't you say anything to hurt her feelings; be quiet." Now you know I could not be quiet, however, I did choose my words wisely. I began, "Wow, you cut off all your hair! You have a good shaped head for such a style. Now you need to go to the barber and let him give your style some shape. I know a place where you can get some fabulous earrings to accent your style too." She said, "I have earrings, but the people on my job don't get all dressed up." I said, "Forget the people on your job, what about going to and coming back from work. You never know who you will meet with your new look." Then I said, "It was meant for you to see me today so that I can give you a complimentary makeover consultation." She laughed and we said goodbye.
As she walked away, I had to laugh to myself because I had also experienced a bad hairstylist. I was an unsuspecting consumer who drifted into the Bunches of Hair beauty salon in midtown. (I changed the salon name to protect the innocent.) This place will definitely have you drifting in by the fabulous hair photos covering the wide framed window. The stylists are dressed to impress in pink and purple. Everyone's hair was whipped to perfection. "Come on in, sit in the chair and would you like a cup of tea?" said the stylist in the pink and purple smock. "Oooh girl, I am impressed." I thought to myself as I told the stylist that I would like finger waves. She said, "Yes ma'am." I walked over to the sink where not only did I get my hair washed, but my blouse and legs got a soaking too. Water was everywhere. She scrubbed my scalp so hard that I got a headache. I guess she thought she was giving me a good head massage. She almost broke my neck. Back in the chair, she proceeded to dump almost an entire jar of gel on my head that resembled orange bees wax. Carefully, she sculptured each row to resemble a sea of beautiful water waves. As she finished, I glanced in the mirror only to spot clumps of orange goop. Three hours later... (That's another story) my masterpiece was finished. She slowly unwrapped the net from my head. The moment of truth has arrived. Ahahhh. Ahahhhhh Ahhhahh. I couldn't stop screaming. I spent all day at the salon and all I have to show for it is a matted mess. Now the orange goop had got deep in color and hardened into a wax sculpture around my hair. "I am not going outside like this!" I said. LOOK AT MY HAIR! LOOK AT IT! By the way, I do not like unisex salons. There were some nice looking men getting a haircut and they witnessed the entire episode. How embarrassing. The stylist apologized a thousand times and marched me back over to the sink where she used a hammer to chisel the orange sculpture from my hair. Well, it was not a hammer but that's how I felt. I ended walking out of there with a pigtail. You heard me, a pigtail. It is a style here you get just enough hair for the rubber band to catch hold. I will never go in any salon without getting at least two referrals and a hair police report.
The next time you are shopping in the mall and pass the local hair salon, just take a peak inside to see what is going on. Ask the clients for a referral and keep it in your shopping file just in case you should ever need it.
Belinda Trotter-James is a talented creator of beauty magazines. Ms. James developed several major national teenage magazines for Word Up! Publications. Hype Hair, 2 Hype and Try It Yourself Hair boosted circulation and opened doors for other magazine spin-offs and new advertisers for the company. In addition to writing and editing, Ms. James also combined her knowledge of marketing and the entertainment industry to promote the magazines. She cross-promoted celebrities with products and asked celebrities such as Queen Latifah to demonstrate correct hair care.

A Country Boy's View on Fashion

I still can't understand it. After all these years, I can't make a lick of sense out of what folks consider to be in or out of fashion - appropriate or inappropriate attire or appearance. What was "in" last year, might be "out" this year - or it might be in but you need to change what you wear with it. What was OK for spring and summer probably won't work well for fall and winter - weather considerations aside. And what is in was likely already in somewhere around 20 or so years ago but then it went out so something else could be in. And why don't they just come right out and say FAKE fur instead of trying to dress it up with a fancy foreign word?
Thank God for jeans...
I gotta find the Fashion Holy Book. I know there has to be one out there somewhere that says that it's a sin to wear the same thing as you wore last year. Or maybe it's just sometimes that it's a sin. I dunno. All I know is that the ladies section has to be really big. Like maybe everything but the last seven pages. Guys don't seem to matter quite as much. It's sort of like an afterthought thing just so we wouldn't be offended. They - whoever "they" is - could have left us out completely for all I care.
Thank God for jeans...
I can't understand it. Why sometimes looking "layered" is good and sometimes it isn't. Why sometimes croc (apparently "they" couldn't spell the entire word) is good and sometimes it isn't. Why big old-looking broaches are sometimes good and sometimes they aren't. And why anyone would ever frown on micro-mini's is beyond me. OK, so I'm I guy. I'll let that one go.
Thank God for jeans...
And how can pleats be in or out? What about tweed? Is it good or not? Why do ladies handbags need to match their shoes? Can summer shoes be the same as winter shoes? Probably not, huh? And what's wrong with tie dye for cryin' out loud? Looks cool to me. And what's the deal with buying jeans - brand new, mind you - that look like they've already been worn for two years? I never have been able to figure out that one.
But yeah, thank God for jeans...
I can't understand it. Are guys dress jackets now supposed to have two, three or four buttons? Are pleated dress pants in or out? What about casual slacks? Cuffs - yes or no? Tuck or don't tuck? Why can't neckties be any width we dang well want? And why do we even wear the silly things in the first place? Why is it important for all the men to look like penguins when they dress for formal occasions? A zebra look makes just as much sense to me.
Thank God for jeans...
And have you looked at underwear lately? (Do I need to rephrase that?) Now I understand that the ladies like to do all sorts of push up, push out, accent, emphasize, enhancement stuff. But guys - we're getting out of control! Holy smokes. I thought the intent of our under-layer was to keep our goodies in place and prevent excessive scuffing against whatever outer-layer we happened to be wearing. I've even seen articles describing what kinds of underwear the celebrities are wearing. Why would we care? I'm just not understanding any of this.
Thank God for jeans - and good old briefs...
I guess I never will comprehend any of this fashion "in style" stuff. Seems to me that if we're clean and comfortable - including warm, cool or dry depending on the weather - we're good to go. I just can't see that anything else matters much. Of course, I'm just an old country boy. What do I know?
Gene Simmons, through, provides an easy reading self-help blog, articles, quotations, thoughts and links along with affordable self-help and self improvement books & materials - all designed to help folks find the road to a more enjoyable lifestyle, to pass on some of life’s “secrets for survival” in a chaotic world & offer a few smiles along the way. It's a down-to-earth, simple approach to discovering a better life. You can visit Gene at

Fashion Style is Important

Fashion style is important. You clothes make your fashion statement, and how you're perceived. Stand straight and carry yourself with grace. You will radiate self confidence.
Here are some fashion tips and advice to look and feel good. Don't forget your jewelry accessories are like the icing on the cake. They are the finishing touch. Dress to Impress and Make Your Fashion Statement!
Fashion Tips
Make sure your wardrobe has plenty of neutrals on hand - they are perfect for mixing and matching. They can be dressed up or down with the right jewelry additions.
Not a one of us woman has the perfect figure. We all have flaws. Accept your flaws and work with them
Know your body and what looks good. You are logically attracted to clothes, styles and colors that flatter your figure. Experiment a bit, and try something a bit off your normal habits
Tailored outfits are flattering to most all figures
Buy styles that flatter your figure and don't forget that finishing touch with your jewelry
To make a short neck look longer wear a sccop neck or open collar shirt, complete the look with a long necklace
Large breasted women and women with wide hips can optain balance by using shoulder pads
Make sure your panty hose fits properly
Don't bare all - leave something for the imagination. Entice with your a glittery necklace or choker, and don't forget the earrings
Leather stretches so if your buying a leather skirt or pants make sure they are snug when you purchase them. There are also some fabulous faux leather products on the market that can give you great wear for a season or two without having to worry if they'll still fit next year
Dress up your look with glittery jewelry, accent a line with a necklace. Don't forget your earrings and bracelets. They add the finishing touch to your look. You can completely change your look just by changing your jewelry. Dress it up or down!
If you find an outfit in a magazine but its too pricey for your budget don't fret. There are terrific department stores and online sites that sell very similar for much less. Your jewelry is the same. That fabulous designer parure that costs way more than you can afford - your certain to find a similar in an online store for much less. Clip the picture and keep it with you so you can match
Set your budget and stick to it. Purchase plenty of mix and match pieces to get the most for your money. And don't forget to complete your look with jewelry. Mix and match your jewelry pieces also.
Make your fashion statement! You are a unique individual with your own look. Portray your self confidence and turn those heads!
© Copyright Sher Matsen, All Rights Reserved.
About the author:
Sher has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing affordable estate jewelry, and a wealth of information on jewelry, fashion, designers, and beauty with on staff industry professionals. Please visit us at Estate Jewelry International.

mercredi 4 décembre 2013

6 Reasons Why You Should Stock Up on Organic Hair Care Products in Your Home

Organic products are on the rise nowadays. This is owing to the fact that there are numerous advantages that are provided by these products in each and every sphere. Talking about organic hair care products in particular, these are way more beneficial and affordable than all sorts of chemical laced hair products, which often cost you a fortune. Moreover, synthetic components in most hair products lead to side effects, which I don't even want to mention here.
So, what exactly are the benefits of these organic products for hair? Let us go through the following pointers to get a better idea:
  • They are manufactured from natural ingredients: Organic products are manufactured from natural ingredients. Hence, they do not cause any harmful side effects on your hair. Devoid of synthetic materials, these are apt for both men and women even when they want to use them on a daily basis. This takes us to the next point.
  • They are useful for all categories of people: Organic hair products can be used literally by anyone. This includes men, women and even kids. Moreover, people with sensitive scalp and skin or those who are allergic to most hair care products, can benefit greatly by using organic products on their hair. They only need to choose the best product and consult their physicians to see whether they can use the same or not.
  • The outcome of using them is much better: Organic hair products might not come in fancy or flashy packaging. But this doesn't stop them from being immensely effective on your hair. They work better owing to the natural ingredients that are used to manufacture them.
  • They are eco-friendly: It is a given that organic hair care products online or on local stores are manufactured from 100% eco friendly materials. This means that in some way or the other, you are making your contribution in preserving the ecosystem.
  • They can be used in large quantities: Unlike chemical laced hair products, organic products are mild and hence, you can safely use them in large quantities without worrying about anything. Natural ingredients are in fact good for your hair and nourish them in the long run. Hence, your hair will not at all get harmed by using these products.
  • They can be used frequently: Regular experimentation with our hair such as hair straightening, blow drying, perming, curling among others lead to a number of hair damage. But because we want to look pretty, we end up going for them on a regular basis. However, you can replenish your hair by using organic hair conditioners, hair masks and hair serums among other products, which will retain your crowning glory in its best form. The best part is that you can use these products as frequently as you want!
To sum it all up
These are some of the benefits that are brought forth by organic hair products. So, if you have thin hair and think that soon you will need permanent hair extensions to hide the same, think again! Buying and trying the best organic hair care products might just be the best option for you.
I works with Curly Sue's and love to surf the women magazines to check out the latest trends in fashion as well as hairstyle. She is equally enthusiastic about sharing her knowledge with others through her write-ups on different websites.

Teen Jewelry Fashion Exposed

Teenagers are a fickle bunch. At that stage of physical and psychological growth, they are constantly experimenting with things to improve their image and their look. Teen jewelry fashion plays a major part in the development of their identity and efforts to either blend in with the crowd or establish their own unique persona. Any parental endorsement of fashion accessories is akin to the kiss of death, and adolescents look to other influences when it comes to teen jewelry fashion.
The celebrities that teenagers see in music videos, television programs or movie screens are largely responsible for dictating trends in teen jewelry fashion. The oversized, ostentatious accoutrements favored by rap musicians have spawned the hip-hop jewelry trend, and teenagers have been patronizing lower-priced but accurate replicas of celebrity bling bling. Instead of the diamonds and other precious gems used in celebrity jewelry, cheaper zirconia and base metals are used for duplicates. Body jewelry (both the pierced and non-pierced types) that is unusually designed and made with inexpensive materials has also seen an increase in teenage patrons.
Beaded jewelry and woven friendship bracelets and rings are some of the other hot trends in teen jewelry fashion. Many teenagers make these dress accessories themselves and give them to friends as gifts. These are personalized with beads that have the letters of the recipient's name on them are incorporated into the woven fibers. Many teenagers also wear certain types of jewelry to identify them as part of a clique or group. These may take the form of uniquely designed pendants, rings or charms that have spiritual or mystical overtones.
Feminine teen jewelry fashion styles are also influenced largely by young celebrities today. Items worn by teen stars, such as Hilary Duff's slave bracelets, are copied by her non-celebrity counterparts. However, whimsical designs are still hugely popular among this set of young consumers. Gold- or silver-plated jewelry and jewelry that has gemstones has not lost its following among teenagers.
Some masculine teen jewelry fashion trends, on the other hand, tend to lean more toward beadwork, silverwork, leatherwork, and unusual stones. Teenage guys seem to think that sporty-looking accessories, such as so-called surfer-dude necklaces and arm bands made from bone, wood, or shell beads on a rubber or leather cord are cool. Stainless steel jewelry is popular with them, too.
Jewelry has been used by all people throughout history as marks of beauty or to denote social status. Adolescents are not immune to these patterns; in fact they are probably even more susceptible to them because of their need to simultaneously conform and stand out. Teenage jewelry fashion is part of their social arsenal and a tool in the development process.
Sam Serio is an Internet Marketer, musician and a writer on the subject of jewelry and gemstones. For more information on jewelry and gemstones, we cordially invite you to visit to pick up your FREE copy of “How To Buy Jewelry And Gemstones Without Being Ripped Off.” This concise, informative special report reveals almost everything you ever wanted to know about jewelry and gemstones, but were afraid to ask. Get your FREE report at

Sterling Silver Jewelry -- Classic Simplicity

Sterling silver jewelry is synonymous with class and style in the world of fashion. Its versatility and flexibility make it a welcome and useful addition to any person's wardrobe. Sterling silver jewelry epitomizes classic simplicity in itself, but as the setting for gemstones or combined with other precious metals, the aesthetic value it lends to the wearer is inestimable.
Pure silver by itself is too soft and would not be practical for jewelry and other ornamental objects. Sterling silver is made when another metal, such as copper, is added to the silver to make it hardy and tough. So while it is not as sturdy as stainless steel, sterling silver jewelry is nonetheless very durable and long-lasting. That is why a wide array of rings, necklaces, bracelets, cuff links, belt buckles, body jewelry and more are made from sterling silver.
All sterling silver jewelry is marked as such, and sometimes the name of the designer or manufacturer is engraved on the piece. It is a highly reflective precious metal whose simple yet elegant look is appreciated by both the young and old, the famous and not-so-famous. Some celebrities adorned with sterling silver jewelry on television or in magazines include actresses Gwyneth Paltrow and Kristin Davis, musician Sheryl Crow, and hotel heiress and budding thespian Paris Hilton.
Certain maintenance measures need to be taken to care for sterling silver jewelry. To prevent unsightly tarnishing, it should be washed with water and a mild detergent after it is worn, and since it is softer than some other precious metals, abrasion and shock to the piece should be prevented to avoid scratching or marring its surface. In the event that tarnishing does occur, sterling silver jewelry can be polished to restore it to its former sheen.
Whether your dress of choice be casual jeans, practical office attire or a slinky, little black dress for a night out on the town, sterling silver jewelry is the perfect accessory. It adapts easily to all fashion trends without sacrificing the wearer's personal sense of style. Its allure remains undiminished as it continues to evoke the idea of simple luxury.
Sam Serio is an Internet Marketer, musician and a writer on the subject of jewelry and gemstones. For more information on jewelry and gemstones, we cordially invite you to visit to pick up your FREE copy of “How To Buy Jewelry And Gemstones Without Being Ripped Off.” This concise, informative special report reveals almost everything you ever wanted to know about jewelry and gemstones, but were afraid to ask. Get your FREE report at